FTP Help

Do not attempt to transfer files to the FTP site if you use a dial-up internet connection.

Accessing the ftp site for upload or download.

  1. Open internet browser. (Google Chrome seems to work best with our FTP site.)

  2. Click this link to the ftp site: https://ftp.memorybook.com or manually enter the url https://ftp.memorybook.com in the address bar and press “Enter.” Do NOT add www.
  3. User name: School Code Password: Contact Your Customer Service Representative

  4. Depending on the size of your folder, the speed of your internet connection, and the speed of your computer, the uploading process can take a long time (hours). We recommend you start the uploading process at a time when you will not be using your computer for several hours, so you won’t be inconvenienced while waiting for the upload/download to complete. Your file will disappear from the window when transfer is successful. Please do not grab and drop multiple copies of the file into the window.
    Note: If the user name/password dialog box does NOT open, and the error indicates a bad username or password, click on the File menu, then select Login As to force the browser to allow a username and password to be entered.